Christmas has come early today, but before you get the presents please remember to have an open mind towards everything and in order to get the bigger picture go ahead and begin reading the first article to date, moving on learning never exhaust the mind; well that is the opposite of what the system has made us believe in most cases no one wants to learn more due to the education curricular they went through in school. Then there is this aspect that; true sign of knowledge is not knowledge but where we get it from and that's imagination.
Look around you what do you see? Stop it right there! Instead of seeing what they want you to see you have to open your brain to the possibilities not accepting everything you hear but genuinely listen and consider things to its evidence. It is important to draw wisdom from many places understand others but stick to your instincts and conclusions. Here's when pride comes in, most people think pride is the opposite of shame this isn't the case but the source, true humility is the opposite of shame don't get me wrong you should be proud of what you do and achieve but as much as you think you know, there's something you don't know and if you view everyone as an expert on something well you'll have a lot to learn but only if you are humble why is it so? Simple, as much as you think you are better than someone else regardless on area of concern, listening and understanding are key elements, if not then you are fixed and not open to possibilities.
What is right is not always popular yet and what is popular is not always right at the moment a good example is what we know now about our body the universe etc. It's because someone asked what if ; this are always bizarre possibilities of anything, dare to ask WHAT IF! People tend to live their lives based on what is true what is right what is wrong all this is a tradition passed on from generation to generation no questions asked. When there is no enemy from within no one from the outside can hurt you; i know this and that, this is true that isn't, what we know is like a drop of rain on an ocean yet we believe we know the whole truth, people aren't asking the right questions because they think they know the answers and basically they fear what they think to be true might not be so. Knock knock! Who is there? Sci. Sci who! Science. The science behind all possible things somehow confuses our fragile mind this is archived by the power of the elite and humans are driven by a rational fear thus brings by terminologies that helps you grasp something to ease things we might think of as fiction.
When someone asks what time is it, we all know the answer to it take a look at your watch and phone the answer is somehow plain but when someone asks what time is ????? no one yet has come front with his/her idea of this. all this happens at the same time (past, present and future) perception of a forward time. We are spiritual beings having a human being experience but we don't have any idea where we come from, how old is our civilization, where we are in terms of what is found beneath the earth, what is really going on? History has been and still is destroyed, all past ancient ruins or building still up wasn't created by any means of technology we have now. In the so called time frame, man is now less intelligent smarter than we are now; this technology nobody know much about it or works if it breaks no one can repair it we go to the shop and get a new one, yes our technology is different than before a little better than in the last centuries but making us the master at the same time a slave, because we tend to be so comfortable in not thinking what's next and a powerful AI would be the best or worst achievement of the human beings.
You expect things to be right or wrong you expect this because that is what you are told and logic applied to observation of things we believe because believing is seeing which alters the state of consciousness; either in a positive or negative aspect while faith is based on that which can't be proven and without faith there is no manipulation and without manipulation there is no fear and without fear there is no power; this is what governs most societies in the world and knowing where your faith and beliefs lie without any manipulation of the system is true freedom and awakening, just like missing pieces of paper from a book when in the right hands those who understand its power can piece them back together becoming so close yet so far away from those reading it.

What is up, what is down, where is forward or backward, where is north, south, east and west, what is outward the earth and inward the earth; if you don't know, the longing to knowing and seeking arises thus raising the possibility of knowing. The man who says he can and the other who says he cannot are both correct, so you are what you think and currently most of you think what you've been thought to think and still thinking that those thought are originally yours but in real sense we all know who is benefiting from that. Here's how to change a bad situation to a good one; you went to the park got separated from your crew on a tour, then a lion sees you and decides to chase you, destination visible tree near you now here's where the magic happens instead of panicking on top of the tree, you enjoyed the view from the top and see how beautiful nature is thus bringing you joy, positive vibes and thoughts of you getting rescued arise just like that you've turned a tragic event into a good one. Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall this is also another factor not emphasized well in our childhood, learning institutes even the media look the other way when it comes to this, instead of teaching kids that it doesn't matter how slow or fast you go as long as you don't stop, dictatorship, punishment, no question asked slogan goes on. Curiosity, imaginations and hope is murdered at a young age but know that you have the knowledge of your mind, body, universe; entities like culture, religion, government laws, societies perspective on everything won't alter your way of thinking, believing in oneself. Remember a little help from someone is good but you must not give in to despair, hope is something you first give yourself before anyone does to you and that is the meaning of inner strength.
Don't believe in every thought, see thought are just thoughts but put more focus on it the rest is beauty whether positive or negative that is your choice. As time moves forward of which being an illusion the system is more concerned on ruling than serving the people, to know and understand something know has been made a little bit harder because of the mishmash of information in the word this is done by conspiracy; which enforce the idea by creating a conspiracy culture, sci-fiction culture, a movie culture, storybooks, fairy tales, a this is not possible because I said so culture the list is quite long and when you find the real truth or some sort of truth is exposed it becomes unbelievable. We observe nature to our methods of perception but not how it actually exist, well if you go deeper in thought the universe was created from something and something is something no idea yet, so how can anything be anything without being made by something else nothing creates something; however if nothing creates something how can it be nothing and if nothing isn't nothing what is it? example for those who believe in notion of gods, where do they come from then so how can anything come from nothing, is it infinite? ..shutdown the logic reasoning for a bit lets just stroll away in the imaginative world ;enjoy the magic nothing is simple everything is insane appreciating what we experience as time and gravity that helps us not fall out of the earth though we can't really move around the universe at the moment is sane.
Perception of the world is molded by the parent, teacher, media, religious leaders, government laws, tyrant rulers (the system); always giving an answer to anything and everything else is not the answer, understanding something is when you first know how then what to think. Our evolution now is based on competition for survival but initially evolution was based on cooperation not competition. Press and journalist the media at large, know nothing they say what they are told period (propaganda). Go work, look for money, lots of debit and taxes yet we forged not to serve but rule and get ruled, no spiritual attachment to yourself, everyone has been made to fight for money yet it gets printed faster than you can work for it. If you look for the light you will always find it but if you look for the dark, you'll always see it, remember how you interpret things are exactly they will be. Ask your mind, always formulate what if question, what is possible that I haven't considered not putting any limitations to it, go deeper in your imagination, what happens is a fact, impossible and possible actions are opinions but when either occur by focusing on the intention then it is a fact and just because it has never been done doesn't mean you can't do it. If you want to experience magic you must decide to change anything and everything by leaving the known to the unknown, what we mostly know is just the observable universe what about the non- physical phenomenon.

All this are possible, this means exactly nothing is left out. Empower yourself by having your own base of understanding this leads to self-awareness, insight and greater understanding of things. You must go through the process of unlearning, learning and be flexible like water. Below are some questions and suggestions to make a valid point but before I pose my questions and suggestions, silence your ego and your power will rise, take what you can while you can from this articles and without forgetting I'm not here to make you believe anything, just sharing my perspectives. So, now that you have a deeper understanding, here's what most people have been waiting for!!!
- What if extraterrestrial life on earth was discovered long time ago.
- What lies in the Bermuda Triangle?
- What is the real deal of the ancient pyramids?
- What is beyond the deep oceans and the earth itself?
- What of the jungles and mountains.
- What if once your mind is enlighten and your spirits is depend then your body heals thus leading to self-healing and no need of medical care or medicines not unless it's a natural injury cause by shock, if not self-treatment by meditation believing (placebo) means no business for pharmacies.
- What if all types of religions love one another and follow this principles equality, equity, love, helping each other, forgiving and just pray to God / Universe and by doing so no more wars on religion and peace?
- What if the all religious, government leaders have been playing chess with us now that one knows the power from within, it's time to wake up.
- What if the elite are hiding lots of information from us? The bible had 88 books, some books removed completely others changed, most ancient history knowledge places ruined.
- What if Longevity of up to 10000+ years, still be young and healthy.
- What if you can change your reality to what you want, invent anything you desire.
- What if you can overcome limiting beliefs, fear, doubt.
- What if you could unlock the 5-sense prison and have a spiritual awakening
- What if all myths and fairy tales and most conspiracies are just the truth hidden in plain sight?
- Where did all the lost civilization said to have disappear to huh?
Do good and you'll get good in return. what is this good? unity, equality and equity of all race and economic status bringing about the energy love, which has positive thoughts and energy thus making a good character out of someone which also brings out the art of giving without expecting anything in return this principle is one in all aspects of life that will save humanity from itself. Don't stop questioning, curiosity has a reason for existing!!!!!!!

Let me know your thought on this article just down below on the comment section,
Share it, let us wake up.
Insightful. Great work.
ReplyDeleteThank you Ismail. Kindly share the article.
DeleteThis is good.
ReplyDeleteI loved the one with the topic "take a stand"
I'm glad you did.
Deletehumbled, kindly share it with your contacts and stay woke.
Thank you.
"what we know is like a drop of rain on an ocean yet we believe we know the whole truth"
ReplyDeleteI quote
"If you want to experience magic you must decide to change anything and everything by leaving the known to the unknown"
How many got the true understanding and the deep message of this like i did?
I love what u are doing bro🤜🏽