What are they not telling us. part two!!
Conspiracy Theories
You can only be ridden when your back is bent. What's the first thing you hear, when the word conspiracy theories what goes through your mind! I bet lies, now since you have an open mind, imagination let me ask you a question. Is everything possible, truth or false? 100% of everyone reading this will say yes, everything is possible. Okay so what does it leave out? Exactly nothing for sure. Conspiracy theory is a word invented by the CIA one of the elite, after people started asking questions on the J.F.Kennedy assassination but I won't write about conspiracy theories on assassination instead I'll show you the bigger picture of it. Stay with me now, I'll explore some three conspiracies that I have in mind and afterwards you will understand the difference between knowing the path and walking the path; after reading the article, the main aim is to know the truth behind it and change your perspective on some things to better your life but at end you should only have your base of understanding things, what I mean by saying this, is that you shouldn't say that this is true because I said so but most importantly because you believe it to be true and that's when you will have your own base of understanding things.
War Of The Mind or War on Drugs 
Drugs huh! We have been told that drugs alter the mind; you get sick, go to the hospital get medication and finally the doctor prescribes you some legal drugs. This information is so much underrated in the current world we live in and no one absolutely no one; governments, doctors and pharmaceutical industries won't teach you how to heal yourself. You can heal yourself using your energy (vibration in you), medicine doesn't study energy and drug companies sell chemical. So the mind is the field and it gives shape to the body, what you are believing and what you are thinking changes your body and with training and meditation you can use that energy to heal yourself and shape yourself but what is wrong is our belief, example; everyone has stem cells throughout your entire body and this cells can replace any tissue in the body and you should be able to stay young in hundreds of years, so why do we age? Because we believe in aging and the mind controls the cells and genes, remember this!
The mind(thoughts) is the primary cause of illness in our world today, secondary one is either by trauma or the legal toxic chemicals. The media tells you, "genes control this and that" and people get nerves about this thus they end up looking for a disease and when do so you create a disease through Epigenetics; If you change your perception you change that reading of your genes if a doctor tells you, you're going to have a disease and you believe it then you create one or when the doctor tells you you're going to die and you believe so because he or she is a professional, the believe will give you a disease that will make you die. Doctors aren't bad they help in giving birth, save life etc. But believe becomes an important part of medicine example, is the placebo effect; this is having a positive thought that something can heal you even a regular pill but you believe it's the real medicine then you can heal yourself, the pill didn't heal you it's the thought that did so. What many people don't know is that negative thinking(nocebo effect) can kill you; it shuts down the immune system and opportunistic organism makes a disease, afterwards you'll go to the doctor get medicine helping you out, but that wasn't the initial cause of problem, get it now!
So, this recent epidemic; Corona Virus, is it a scam? No it's a disease a real one but through your mind, energy, nocebo effect is why this is when your bent back is ridden, everyone is nervous full of fear shutting down the immune system , all the doctors have put the idea of how the disease is bad, the pharmaceutical(legal drug) companies make a profit out of this, doctors treat you by mainly using the placebo effect afterwards "the system" wins one more time. One last battle is on the Psychedelics natural ones not the processed one nor the man-made drugs but first we must understand that human beings are thought of having a spiritual experience on earth but it's the other way round we are spiritual beings having a human experience on earth. All beings in the earth communicate through vibration, example is a gazelle can't go to a lion because it senses bad vibes through vibration. A cat, a dog can't come to you if you have a bad vibration. That's why you've heard if you stay with people who always have negative attitude, talk about negative things well that will alter your vibration too, where am i going with this; a natural message of wisdom is forgotten and enslaved to be illegal, current world elite, through the various pillars of the system taught us on how bad this natural substance is but in real sense this is one of the things that connects us to the universe, speaking to us and heals the mind, the body and the earth itself; yet it is demonized(illegal)!!!!!!!!!!! Stay woke.
Fear Of The Unknown
Thinking deeply is the secret to waking up and really being alive within yourself is the untold power waiting to be unlocked, what drives us from the truth is fear. The "unknown" is mainly the non-physical phenomenon this is beyond the 5-sense, the multiverse, parallel universes, perception and manipulation of time. Funny ideas are dangerous ideas that's why many insane people are sane in this world vice versa, but again most great ideas are dangerous but not to the man with ideas... Ching Ching!!!!!!
Sight, taste, hearing, smell and touch this are the five sense that we have so far collecting specific information making us known to the physical aspect of things, we think that most of the things in the world is physical and touchable things, remember the story of the ocean, i bet you do so the underwater is the hidden story beyond just what we physical see; most people say seeing is believing yes true! But beyond this is 5-sense is the extraordinary possibilities for change, transformation, new experience and new adventures become possible; mystic insight, spiritual knowledge, out of body experiences, channeling of supernatural entities. Meditation and preconceived notion are the lock beyond the 5-sense prison; beyond scientific logic that is the paranormal; telepathic interaction and telekinesis. Example, most animals like dogs can sense whenever an earthquake or a tsunami is about to happen and birds tend to predict the weather especially when it's about to rain and all this is possible because they have a wider focus on the band of energy around us but we human have suppressed all this by "the system"
We are made up of the same elements found in the universe; hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen etc. What are the odds that we have the exact same universe in another dimension . The question or rather the conspiracy behind; Aliens , multiverse, parallel universe, special abilities, myths of all creation ever walked the earth etc. Is 100% true according to my perspective. Reality is way bigger, stranger than fiction; well as much as I like eating, dancing, playing basketball, i also like watching all genre of movies; most of you know of the movie harry potter 1; Harry gave Ron a liquid that would help him win a match, but later on we realize that he actually gave him water but Ron on the other hand thought and believed he had some magic to help him win but the initial magic was in him by believing so(placebo effect), why am I telling you this, i just explained everything on the placebo effect on war of the mind but my point right here is to show you what we thought was fiction in movies can be the reality we see. Remember an idea is dangerous but not to a man of ideas but a man with no idea and everything now proven was once a thought and most ideas are made in form of fiction to make everyone believe "That only happens in fiction movies and can't happen in real life Lol" well now you have a different perspective of life. Any idea insane or sane is an idea and it's okay, that whenever you express any idea, people might laugh at you and not with you but hey look at the bright side you know you're right and that is all that matters!
Pros Of Understanding The Conspiracy Theories

This are benefit of walking the path after knowing it,
- Healthy life, long life full of energy
- Strong positive beliefs
- Control your life
- Psychic abilities
- Spiritual Awaken
- Expand beyond the 5-sense prison
What If Question and Answers
In this "system" there's always a specific answer to anything and anything else is not the answer even when some answers are better than the other; why legalize something harmful, yet it hinders the body functions negatively and ban something helpful to the man? When you know how to think you get empowered than when you only knew what to think.
When you decide to change something, it might be slightly uncomfortable because you're going to leave the known to the unknown. The last conspiracy under what are they not telling us is Religion as one of the main bases of faith, belief and a silent partner to the "system".
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ReplyDeleteI'm glad you did.
DeleteQuestion everything in the system
ReplyDeleteYes indeed!
ReplyDeleteThank you.
DeleteI have to confess that this article entails nothing less than naked truths of life
ReplyDelete101% correct.
DeleteFact. Mind blowing facts. Keep going !!
ReplyDeleteAlways have an open mind! Thank you.
DeleteThanks for enlightening us
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