Universe connection to the mind.

        Hello, today we are going first to unlearn so as to learn; how can one connect the mind and the universe?  We all know and understand the mind and how the mind acts as a gate way to the universe. First, we must try to understand the universe then later on know how to connect it with the mind. A brief explanation of the universe is relating it to the ocean; when you finally see what goes on underwater, you'll realize that you've been missing the whole point of the ocean. 

The Universe Connection To The Mind 

              Numbers are particles of everything, the key to the universe. The universe talks in frequency and vibration most used is the number 3, 6, and 9. This is the unobserved universe, known as infinite; this means that there's a lot going on under the ocean that we don't know yet and this is the infinite of the universe. It has similar elements as the brain that is the consciousness that is the link between the brain and the universe, let me break this down.

              Universe speaks to us through anything and everything, through our thoughts what the subconscious mind asks the universe for. Signs from the universe aren't good or bad but our interpretation and judgement makes it so. You have to understand the power within the mind, which you do, so that whenever you ask for something the universe acts as a mirror; what you put out is what you get not through actions but through a thought, belief on your subconscious mind to it, next thing is the energy expectation; without expecting something we are unlikely to pay attention to it, when we are not paying attention to something we are surprisingly likely to not see it. We know that we are the result of what we thought, imagination is everything and a preview of life's coming attraction, whether you think you can or think you can't either way your right. So, the mind provides the energy and as Nikolai Tesla said, " if you want to know the secret to the universe is to think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration "

                  The main way to connect the two is through meditation other ways like lucid dreaming; this is conscious knowing of a dream and taking action or mental imagery (imagination) which both can be attained by falling asleep during the day, waking up and going back to bed 1/2 hours before waking up then do a reality test by asking yourself about the unknown. Meditation is a good way to connect the mind to the universe, it's actually the best way to do so, now how can I meditate? what is meditating? Well meditating is relaxing your mind where the brain works together; that is the left and right side this is known as brain synchronization. By just relaxing either in a quiet place or  playing  music consisting of Theta, Delta frequency; that is why what you listen to enters your mind as vibrations and frequency affecting your subconscious mind or by use of psychedelics this I'll emphasize more on what are they not telling us, either of this methods will make you meditate; but for now just sit and close your mind which will make your mind and body drift off  without any emotional attachment, observe consciously(being aware) of your breathing if you drift to thinking state revert back on your breathing slowly as you do this thoughts will reduce and body will relax now at this point is where you focus on anything you want because you'll be tapping to your subconscious mind and direct linking it to the consciousness of the universe. Quick Q and A, for how long should i meditate? For beginners as simple as 5-10 minutes on a regular basis as you go on doing so, you'll be able to meditate even for more than 10 minutes.

                       Reality Check

Your words become your reality, so far most of our reality is also affected by the environment we live in. So whatever story you're telling yourself when you have an internal dialogue or to other people, your limiting beliefs, and judgement is your current reality. How can you replace your current circumstance with what you really want? By having a natural richness of endless possibility (changing beliefs), new story of abundance and moving towards it (Imagine anything is possible). When you see something clearly in your mind then that becomes a reality, a direct link between your subconscious mind and your reality of manifestation. Now let us brainstorm and talk about time effect on reality as one of the major factors of the environment that makes our reality be as it is.

What does time have to do with all this? Time is an illusion. The past, present and future happens at one time. Time is the passing of events, what i mean when i say this is that; a day is the time the earth spins around once, a month is the time the moon orbits the earth and spins once and a year is the time the earth orbits the sun once with this knowledge you understand that time is simply the passing of events. Most popular suggestions people have is, time is running out, I'm getting old, my youth is running out. whatever event you make to be your reality is time, and through meditation, connecting to the universe and knowing the power of the mind, then anyone can use the energy in you to live long, stay young and healthy for hundreds of years. So, you may ask why do we age well the mind controls the cells and the genes and we collectively believe in aging.
When you change your mind and thought you change your biology, that I'll emphasizes on the next post on conspiracy theories under placebo effect and what they don't want us to know 

   Pros Of Connecting The Mind To The                                       Universe

  • Positive frequency and mind.
  • Positive experience and perspective.
  • Calm balance way of things.
  • Let time serve you and not the other way round
  • Live long, younger full of energy and healthy
  • Unlock the five-sense prison  

    What If Question and Answers

We understand that everything is possible, law of attraction, the power of the mind and the connection to the universe. Can you live more than hundred years plus, young and healthy? Let's change our beliefs have an open mind towards everything.

But some few things that blocks the natural state of divine in us are the beliefs that were initially programmed to us by social, culture, religious and government laws, this are things I'll be telling you in what are they not telling us, part one.


Let me know your thought on this article just down below on the comment section,
Share it, let us wake up. 


  1. Replies
    1. The ball is on your court now!! The question is are you going to shoot the ball, lay it or dunk it.

  2. Its written in a way that make me look like I am far out in my own travels and did not know anything about what you trying to teach me. But of course some new reflections about univers. I may take wrong, but don't make look like I am unable to think about theories of the space, I am not always writing down all my thoughts and is constsntly disagree with my older writings. Contact me, if you want any contact with me and my mind. This will be the only comment.

    1. Thank you, I respect your opinion and appreciate your perspective. Maybe you should contact me, on the contact me page and elaborate more so that I can also understand you're own base of understanding. As I always say a wise man is always on the process of learning and unlearning.


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