

Welcome everyone,  The Vaccine we've all been looking for is here, it's on you to decide whether you'll take the shot or not. Well in this case I am not talking of the current covid-19. Just have an open mind when reading this, sit back relax and enjoy.         Everything that hasn't happen in this world can happen tomorrow because we are capable of doing so (anything is possible), everything that we human beings have created in this world was first created in our mind, all that you see in this world first got the expression in the mind then got manifested in the outside world both the horrible and the wonderful we've done on this planet have come from the human mind. So, if we are concerned of what we've created and going to create it is important to learn how to create the right things in our mind if we don't what we create in the world would be accidental and hazard Most people say they've been trying so hard to think of what they want and end up with...



Equality or Equity

            Hey people so today I'm going to be precise short and clear about the topic at hand, you can stay with me up to the end but you can't come with me at the end, to all my readers out there I sincerely urge everyone of you to have an open mind.            When we hear the word equality, the thing that comes to our mind is ensuring that everyone receives the same treatment and support while equity, is about giving people what they need. So the main difference is one ensures all equal opportunity while the other ensures fairness. You might wonder what's new that I don't know about equality and equity, cliche right? Not really though! See since 99% of our reality is controlled by society and what people think is right, religion, politics, education, hospitals, all with the mini agenda of money and power a lot of misinformation, disinformation all in favor of manipulation has taken the best of everything  ...


                Christmas has come early today, but before you get the presents please remember to have an open mind towards everything and in order to get the bigger picture go ahead and begin reading the first article to date, moving on learning never exhaust the mind; well that is the opposite of what the system has made us believe in most cases no one wants to learn more due to the education curricular they went through in school. Then there is this aspect that; true sign of knowledge is not knowledge but where we get it from and that's imagination.                 Look around you what do you see? Stop it right there! Instead of seeing what they want you to see you have to open your brain to the possibilities not accepting everything you hear but genuinely listen and consider things to its evidence. It is important to draw wisdom from many places understand others but stick to your instincts and conclusi...

Religion should not tear us apart

                          Religion huh this is one of the bases of our beliefs, some of you find it hard to define "religion", well it's easy to understand the aspect of it. The good aspects and the bad; if you're reading this article empty your mind be like water, put water in the cup it becomes the cup, put it in a bottle it becomes the bottle and water never grows  stale so you have to just keep on flowing. What I mean by this is, is to have an open mind while reading it to the end. One of the most powerful ways to validate a point is by asking a question; now mine to begin with is, did you decide your religion or born into one? Whenever you see someone else who's not in the same religion as you, do you see yourself in him/her? My goal today is just to enlighten you, show you how peace and love is a key element between us human regardless the race or type of religion.           ...

What are they not telling us. part two!!

                                             Conspiracy Theories          You can only be ridden when your back is bent. What's the first thing you hear, when the word conspiracy theories what goes through your mind! I bet lies, now since you have an open mind, imagination let me ask you a question. Is everything possible, truth or false? 100% of everyone reading this will say yes, everything is possible. Okay so what does it leave out? Exactly nothing for sure. Conspiracy theory is a word invented by the CIA one of the elite, after people started asking questions on the J.F.Kennedy assassination but I won't write about conspiracy theories on assassination instead I'll show you the bigger picture of it.  Stay with me now, I'll explore some three conspiracies that I have in mind and afterwards you will understand the difference between knowing t...

What are they not telling us. Part One !

  Welcome back, now i know you are an editor of your own reality have an open mind that is you're an imaginative person. So, what are they not telling us huh! First of all, you have to remember that knowledge is important but at the same time limited, knowledge is the logic that takes you from point A to B but now we have something else something greater than logical knowledge and this is imagination.  I magination is more important than knowledge, it circles the world, takes you everywhere and anywhere. So  the cat's out of the bag now and as much as I'd like to share on what they don't want you to know, my aim is for you to learn something out of this article in a way that empowers you to have your own base of understanding.         Uncovering  "THE SYSTEM"  Plot        I am sure most of you have heard the word system in their life so far; education system, government system, financial system and you may wonder what...