Welcome everyone, The Vaccine we've all been looking for is here, it's on you to decide whether you'll take the shot or not. Well in this case I am not talking of the current covid-19. Just have an open mind when reading this, sit back relax and enjoy. Everything that hasn't happen in this world can happen tomorrow because we are capable of doing so (anything is possible), everything that we human beings have created in this world was first created in our mind, all that you see in this world first got the expression in the mind then got manifested in the outside world both the horrible and the wonderful we've done on this planet have come from the human mind. So, if we are concerned of what we've created and going to create it is important to learn how to create the right things in our mind if we don't what we create in the world would be accidental and hazard Most people say they've been trying so hard to think of what they want and end up with...